Blessings of Love to All!
When Jesus spoke to the gathered crowd on a hill above the Sea of Galilee, he
blessed each and everyone with words that have come to be known as the Beatitudes. Can you name them? Do you have them written on your heart? They are words of encouragement and blessings to carry with us in our everyday life of faith, hope and love. May we rejoice in our practice and pass on the words. Blessed are all God's children. Pastor Pam
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Who We Are
We celebrate God and community.
We worship a God of love and inclusiveness.
We ask meaningful questions and are seekers together in faith and hope.

Moment for Maple Street Church History
The backstory on our church founders and specifically, Samuel Page Fowler.
Click here to read full story.
Stay Informed
Can't make a worship service? Want to find out what is happening at the church? We have all the information for you, just click on a link below!

Caring for Creation in a Faith-filled Way
Introducing "Earth Stewards," a partnership of Maple Street Church and the Danvers Interfaith Partnership (DIP). Please click here to learn more!