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Maple Street Church Worship

Worship at MSC is a blend of inspirational music, preaching, prayer, and being open to where the Spirit of God leads us.


We practice two sacraments–Communion at the Lord’s table and Baptism.  All are welcome to participate both sacraments! No matter who you are or where you are in your faith journey you are welcome to partake in the Lord’s supper with us. And no matter what age you are if you have not been baptized your are welcome to do so at MSC. Baptism in our church signifies your willingness to recognize the grace and love of God for you or your child and your desire to be part of our church family and the larger Christian family. For infant baptism, it is a sign on the part of the parents that want to expose their child to the love of God through the church.


If you are interested in being baptized, or having your child baptized and joining our church family, please contact Pastor Pam at 978-774-4510 to make an appointment.


We welcome children of all ages in worship, and we celebrate their presence. On many Sundays, there is a lively children’s message. Following this message, young people are invited to go to their church school classes.


Worship Times

Sundays, Joys & Concerns, 9:50 AM; Worship begins 10:00 AM;  Sunday School 10:00 AM

Office Hours: M – F, 9a – 2p.


Sunday Services Video on Danvers Cable TV

Our Worship Services are recorded each Sunday and aired on Danvers Comcast channel 99 and Verizon channel 36Sunday 10:00am & 7:00pm (one week delay) You may also find our church service at the Danvers TV website at:  When you are on the website click on the “Video on Demand” link at the top of the page and in the search box enter “Maple Street.”  Usually our last two worship services are available for viewing.

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